Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sales: Ten Keys to Sales Success

               Sales is an art not a science. You can do everything right and not close the sale and sometimes the sale will just happen seeming magically and effortlessly. The following is a list of keys to sales success. These keys will not always open the door but will give you the best chance of making the sale. 

               Ten Keys to Sales Success

1.      Sell a good product with good service.  If you do not believe in your product you will not be enthusiastic. Constantly apologizing for your companies customer service or having to handle it yourself will limit your success.
2.      Be enthusiastic. If you are not excited about your product you will never succeed. See rule 1.              
3.      Be persistent. If you first contact does not succeed it may have been bad timing. Keep trying until you are sure you talked to the right person at a time when they were open to your product at a time when they could use your product.
4.      Know when to back off and regroup. Regrouping is not the same as giving up. Will a new strategy work.
5.      Learn to indentify leads who will never convert to sales. This is not giving up it is learning not to waste time on low value leads.
6.      Know your product and the value it brings to your customer
a.      Unique selling proposition
b.      Features and benefits
c.      Technical data
7.      Know the competition
8.      Know your customer (individually and collectively) and understand their needs.
a.      Not all customers are the same.
b.      What motivates them.
c.      What value does you product add to their product
d.      If you are selling wholesale know your customers customer
9.      Know how your customer uses your product
a.      Is your product your customer's key product, a secondary product, a component or a expendable tool or product
b.      Does your customer need your product? Does it make their process easier? How does it add to their bottom line.
10.   Be likeable, friendly and trustworthy. 

               Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. These keys are the preparation you need when you meet opportunity.