Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Write a Mission Statement

There are a lot of theories on Mission Statements. Some are short like Walt Disney’s Make People Happy.  Others are long and involved often at the loss of clarity.  I was once involved with an association that had a committee write the mission statement.  It was long and tried to cover every value and benefit that it was read by almost no one and when it was they did not understand it. I proved the statement a camel is a horse designed by a committee.
What business are you in? Who do you serve?
The Walt Disney example above answers these questions. It also allows the scope of the company to encompass everything from theme parks, movies and even cruise ships.  
The Mission Statement for Robinson Development was more specific. The Mission of Robinson Development is to responsibly develop residential neighborhoods for the long term benefit of our customers and the communities in which they will live.   
It answers the same two questions but limits the scope of the company. You can of course change the Mission Statement as changes and other opportunities arise but it may confuse you stake holders  if, for example,  you say your mission is to develop residential neighborhoods then decide to build office building.
What business are you in? The more general such as “developing real estate” instead of “developing residential neighborhoods” is generally better.
Who do you serve? If you mission statement is to make money for the stockholders it will not likely inspire customers or employees. Even If creating wealth is you primary intent the value in the business will only come from serving the customer first.
Some other examples:
"The Coca-Cola Promise: The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches. The basic proposition of our business is simple, solid, and timeless. When we bring refreshment, value, joy and fun to our stakeholders, then we successfully nurture and protect our brands, particularly Coca-Cola. That is the key to fulfilling our ultimate obligation to provide consistently attractive returns to the owners of our business."

CVS Pharmacy:
We will be the easiest pharmacy retailer for customers to use.

Here is one that I believe fails. Dean Food Corporation: The Company's primary objective is to maximize long-term stockholder value, while adhering to the laws of the jurisdictions in which it operates and at all times observing the highest ethical standards.
There is no one answer. Write one that will speak to your customers, employees and other stakeholders.  The process will make you understand your company and your own goals better.

Original content copyright Thomas Robinson 2010

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